Uncut Gems

Rating = B-

I didn't hate it, but I think it has several unnecessary problems (which are perhaps part of what the real critics like). The introductory scenes in a diamond mine in Africa and the with the camera passing through the lead character's colon were unnecessary as was the final scene of going into the bullet hole in his head and in in in to his brain at lower and lower levels of microscopicness. The movie was much longer than it had to be to tell this story, and it was too loud for the full length. Adam Sandler talked non-stop at a super fast speed, which was kind of impressive. His character is an unpleasant person — a con man with everyone — his family, his mistress, his partner, his clients, his bookies, their enforcers, etc. Kevin Garnett is good in his role.

[{2020-01-01, Heritage Theater, Sandwich, MA]